Real-time production [MW]

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For 15 years, SCOTTA has been producing automation software to optimise the operation and remote control of all types of systems.

A system which can be adapted to any language and managed through the best technologies
SCOTTA has proprietary know-how for interfacing with the different types of industrial protocols required: Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Uni Telway, EtherNet /IP, DF1, FINS TCP, FINS Hostlink, ISO TCP, PPI, MPI, Profibus, Mitsubishi FX, Hitachi EH, ASCII.
The video surveillance systems, integrated into the control platform, are managed in partnership with Axis, company leader in the network video technology sector.
For any type of system, whether it's the entire plant or park or the management of only one part of the process, we can take care of sharing the data directly with the responsible authorities (Arpa, Municipalities and Regions).